Free textÂbooks (aka open textÂbooks) writÂten by knowlÂedgable scholÂars are a relÂaÂtiveÂly new pheÂnomÂeÂnon. Below, find a meta list of 200 Free TextÂbooks, and check back often for new addiÂtions. Also see our online colÂlecÂtion, 1,700 Free Online CoursÂes from Top UniÂverÂsiÂties.
Art HisÂtoÂry
- A TextÂbook of the HisÂtoÂry of PaintÂing by John Charles Van Dyke, RutÂgers
- AnatoÂmy and PhysÂiÂolÂoÂgy — EditÂed by varÂiÂous profs at OpenÂStax
- BiolÂoÂgy — EditÂed by varÂiÂous profs at OpenÂStax
- BioÂchemÂistry Free For All 1.3 — Kevin, IndiÂra and TaraÂlyn
- BioÂchemÂistry Free and Easy — Kevin Ahern and Dr. IndiÂra Rajagopal, OreÂgon State
- Botany Online: The InterÂnet HyperÂtextÂbook by mulÂtiÂple scholÂars.
- Cells: MolÂeÂcules and MechÂaÂnisms. PubÂlished by the Axolotl AcaÂdÂeÂmÂic PubÂlishÂing Co.
- CK-12 BiolÂoÂgy I (Grades 9–12) editÂed by DouÂglas Wilkin, Chair, Dept of SciÂence, Los AngeÂles UniÂfied School DisÂtrict
- CK-12 Life SciÂence (Grades 9–12) editÂed by DouÂglas Wilkin, Chair, Dept of SciÂence, Los AngeÂles UniÂfied School DisÂtrict
- ConÂcepts of BiolÂoÂgy — EditÂed by varÂiÂous profs at OpenÂStax
- FunÂdaÂmenÂtals of Cell BiolÂoÂgy — LauÂren DalÂton and Robin Young
- Guide to GetÂting into Med School — Kevin Ahern and Dr. IndiÂra Rajagopal, OreÂgon State
- Life on Earth (iBook) — E.O. WilÂson, HarÂvard
BusiÂness and ManÂageÂment
- BusiÂness Ethics by Jose A. Cruz-Cruz, William Frey, UniÂverÂsiÂty of PuerÂto Rico — Mayaguez
- BusiÂness FunÂdaÂmenÂtals by the GlobÂal Text Project
- Core ConÂcepts of MarÂketÂing by John BurÂnett
- CorÂpoÂrate Finance by Ivo Welch, UCLA
- CREATE OR PERISH: The Case for InvenÂtions and Patents by Robert Rines, MIT
- ElecÂtronÂic ComÂmerce by MulÂtiÂple authors, UniÂverÂsiÂty of GeorÂgia, BentÂley ColÂlege, and Simon FrasÂer UniÂverÂsiÂty
- GuideÂlines for ImprovÂing the EffecÂtiveÂness of Boards of DirecÂtors of NonÂprofÂit OrgaÂniÂzaÂtions by Vic MurÂray and Yvonne HarÂriÂson, SUNY, Albany
- ChemÂistry VirÂtuÂal TextÂbooks by Stephen LowÂer, Simon FrasÂer UniÂverÂsiÂty
- CK-12 ChemÂistry (Grades 9–12) by mulÂtiÂple authors. CovÂers high school chemÂistry curÂricuÂlum in CalÂiÂforÂnia.
- ConÂcept DevelÂopÂment StudÂies in ChemÂistry by John S. HutchinÂson, Rice UniÂverÂsiÂty
- ConÂcepts in PhysÂiÂcal ChemÂistry by Peter Atkins, Oxford
- OrganÂic ChemÂistry (with a BioÂlogÂiÂcal EmphaÂsis) by Tim SoderÂberg, UniÂverÂsiÂty of MinÂnesoÂta, MorÂris
- VirÂtuÂal TextÂbook of OrganÂic ChemÂistry. PreÂsentÂed by MichiÂgan State
- Cicero, On Pompey’s ComÂmand (De ImpeÂrio), 27–49. Latin Text, Study Aids with VocabÂuÂlary, ComÂmenÂtary, and TransÂlaÂtion, by Ingo GildenÂhard, Louise HodgÂson, et al, CamÂbridge UniÂverÂsiÂty.
- TacÂiÂtus, Annals, 15.20Â-23, 33Â-45. Latin Text, Study Aids with VocabÂuÂlary, and ComÂmenÂtary, by MathÂew Owen and Ingo GildenÂhard, CamÂbridge UniÂverÂsiÂty
- VirÂgil, Aeneid, 4.1–299. Latin Text, Study QuesÂtions, ComÂmenÂtary and InterÂpreÂtaÂtive Essays by Ingo GildenÂhard, by CamÂbridge UniÂverÂsiÂty
- Cicero, Against VerÂres, 2.1.53–86. Latin Text with IntroÂducÂtion, Study QuesÂtions, ComÂmenÂtary and EngÂlish TransÂlaÂtion, by Ingo GildenÂhard, CamÂbridge UniÂverÂsiÂty
ComÂputÂer SciÂence & InforÂmaÂtion SysÂtems
- A Byte of Python, by SwaÂroop C H
- A First Course in ElecÂtriÂcal and ComÂputÂer EngiÂneerÂing by Louis Scharf, ColÂorado State
- ArtiÂfiÂcial IntelÂliÂgence: FounÂdaÂtions of ComÂpuÂtaÂtionÂal Agents by David Poole and Alan MackÂworth, UniÂverÂsiÂty of British ColumÂbia
- Bits, SigÂnals, and PackÂets: An IntroÂducÂtion to DigÂiÂtal ComÂmuÂniÂcaÂtions and NetÂworks by Hari BalÂakrÂishÂnan, ChristoÂpher TerÂman, and George VerghÂese, MIT
- Code Like a PythonÂista: IdiomatÂic Python, by David Goodger
- ComÂpuÂtaÂtionÂal GeomÂeÂtry by Nicholas M. Patrikalakis, Takashi Maekawa, MIT
- Dive into Python 3, by Mark PilÂgrim
- FounÂdaÂtions of ComÂputÂer SciÂence by Al Aho (ColumÂbia) and Jeff UllÂman (StanÂford)
- How to Design ProÂgrams: An IntroÂducÂtion to ComÂputÂing and ProÂgramÂming, MulÂtiÂple Authors
- High PerÂforÂmance ComÂputÂing by Charles SevÂerÂance, UniÂverÂsiÂty of MichiÂgan
- How to Think Like a ComÂputÂer SciÂenÂtist: C ++ ( PDF) by Allen B. Downey, Olin ColÂlege
- How to Think Like a ComÂputÂer SciÂenÂtist: Java by Allen B. Downey, Olin ColÂlege
- How to Think Like a ComÂputÂer SciÂenÂtist: Python by Allen B. Downey, Olin ColÂlege
- How to Think Like a ComÂputÂer SciÂenÂtist: LearnÂing with Python 3 by Peter WentÂworth, JefÂfrey ElknÂer, Allen B. Downey, and Chris MeyÂers.
- ImpleÂmentÂing a One Address CPU in Logisim by Charles W. Kann III, GetÂtysÂburg ColÂlege
- InforÂmaÂtion TechÂnolÂoÂgy and the NetÂworked EconÂoÂmy by Patrick McKÂeÂown, UniÂverÂsiÂty of GeorÂgia
- InforÂmaÂtion TheÂoÂry, InferÂence, and LearnÂing AlgoÂrithms by David MacKÂay, CamÂbridge
- IntroÂducÂtion To MIPS AssemÂbly LanÂguage ProÂgramÂming by Charles W. Kann III, GetÂtysÂburg ColÂlege
- NeurÂal NetÂworks and Deep LearnÂing, by Michael Nielsen, Research FelÂlow at the Recurse CenÂter
- PatÂterns for BeginÂning ProÂgramÂmers (with ExamÂples in Java), by David BernÂstein, James MadiÂson UniÂverÂsiÂty
- PhiÂlosÂoÂphy of ComÂputÂer SciÂence by William J. RapaÂport, UniÂverÂsiÂty at BufÂfaÂlo, The State UniÂverÂsiÂty of New York
- PrinÂciÂples of ComÂputÂer SysÂtem Design: An IntroÂducÂtion (Part 1 and Part II) by Jerome Saltzer and M. Frans Kaashoek.
- PrinÂciÂples of ProÂgramÂming LanÂguages by Grad StuÂdents, Johns HopÂkins
- ProÂgramÂming LanÂguages: AppliÂcaÂtion and InterÂpreÂtaÂtion by Dr. ShriÂram KrishÂnaÂmurthi, Brown UniÂverÂsiÂty.
- ProÂlog and NatÂurÂal-LanÂguage AnalyÂsis by FerÂnanÂdo C. N. Pereira and StuÂart M. Shieber, U Penn & HarÂvard
- Python for InforÂmatÂics: ExplorÂing InforÂmaÂtion by Charles SevÂerÂance, UniÂverÂsiÂty of MichiÂgan
- StrucÂture and InterÂpreÂtaÂtion of ComÂputÂer ProÂgrams by JerÂry SussÂman & Julie SussÂman
- Teach YourÂself WordÂPerÂfect Mac by John Rethorst
- The PrinceÂton BitÂcoin TextÂbook by Arvind Narayanan (PrinceÂton) and colÂleagues
Earth SciÂence
- CK-12 Earth SciÂence for MidÂdle School by mulÂtiÂple authors.
- IntroÂducÂtion to PhysÂiÂcal OceanogÂraÂphy by Dr. Robert StewÂart, Texas A&M UniÂverÂsiÂty
EcoÂnomÂics & Finance
- PrinÂciÂples of MacroÂecoÂnomÂics by LibÂby RitÂtenÂberg and TimÂoÂthy TreÂgarthen, ColÂorado ColÂlege
- EduÂcaÂtionÂal PsyÂcholÂoÂgy by Kevin Seifert and RoseÂmary SutÂton, UniÂverÂsiÂty of ManÂiÂtoÂba and CleveÂland State
ElecÂtriÂcal EngiÂneerÂing
- DigÂiÂtal CirÂcuit Projects: An Overview of DigÂiÂtal CirÂcuits Through ImpleÂmentÂing InteÂgratÂed CirÂcuits by Charles W. Kann, GetÂtysÂburg ColÂlege
- ElecÂtroÂmagÂnetÂics and AppliÂcaÂtions by David Staelin, MIT
- ElectroÂmechanÂiÂcal DynamÂics by HerÂbert H. WoodÂson and James R. MelchÂer, MIT
- FunÂdaÂmenÂtals of ElecÂtriÂcal EngiÂneerÂing I by Don JohnÂson, Rice UniÂverÂsiÂty
- IntroÂducÂtion to NanoÂelecÂtronÂics by Marc BalÂdo, MIT
- IntroÂducÂtion to PhysÂiÂcal ElecÂtronÂics by William WilÂson, Rice UniÂverÂsiÂty
- IntroÂducÂtion to StaÂtÂics and DynamÂics by Andy Ruina and Rudra PratÂap, CorÂnell UniÂverÂsiÂty
- Lessons In ElecÂtric CirÂcuits by Tony R. Kuphaldt, BellingÂham TechÂniÂcal ColÂlege
- OperÂaÂtional AmpliÂfiers: TheÂoÂry and PracÂtice by James K. Roberge, MIT
- SigÂnals, SysÂtems and InferÂence by MIT
- SigÂnals and SysÂtems, by Alan OppenÂheim and Alan WillÂsky, MIT
- SysÂtem Design for UncerÂtainÂty, by Michael S. TriÂantafylÂlou, MIT
- The Art of Insight in SciÂence and EngiÂneerÂing: MasÂterÂing ComÂplexÂiÂty, by Prof. SanÂjoy MahaÂjan
- AnalyÂsis of StrucÂturÂal MemÂber SysÂtems by Jerome ConÂnor, MIT
- EngiÂneerÂing: An IntroÂducÂtion for High School (9–12) by mulÂtiÂple authors
- ManeuÂverÂing and ConÂtrol of SurÂface and UnderÂwaÂter VehiÂcles, by Michael S. TriÂantafylÂlou, MIT
- MechanÂics of MateÂriÂals by MIT
- US HisÂtoÂry LearnÂer EngÂlish (ESL) by The LearnÂer EngÂlish Series
- U.S. HisÂtoÂry since 1877 by James Ross-NazÂzal, HousÂton ComÂmuÂniÂty ColÂlege
- Deutsch im Blick by the UniÂverÂsiÂty of Texas
- GerÂman for ReadÂing KnowlÂedge by Howard MarÂtin, revised and expandÂed as an open online textÂbook by Alan Ng, UniÂverÂsiÂty of WisÂconÂsin-MadiÂson
- HinÂdi: An Active IntroÂducÂtion by DN SharÂma & James Stone, ForÂeign SerÂvice InstiÂtute
- LearnÂing ChiÂnese: A FounÂdaÂtion Course in ManÂdarin by Julian WheatÂley, MIT
- My KoreÂan 1 and 2 by Young‑A Cho, In-Jung Cho, Monash UniÂverÂsiÂty (AusÂtralia)
- Español I (free for iPad) by David Nance, ADE DisÂtance LearnÂing CenÂter
- French: FamilÂiarÂizaÂtion and Short-Term TrainÂing by ForÂeign SerÂvice InstiÂtute
- SpanÂish: FamilÂiarÂizaÂtion and Short Term TrainÂing by ForÂeign SerÂvice InstiÂtute
- Open IntelÂlecÂtuÂal PropÂerÂty CaseÂbook by James Boyle and JenÂnifer JenkÂins, Duke
- How LanÂguage Works: The CogÂniÂtive SciÂence of LinÂguisÂtics by Mike Gasser, IndiÂana UniÂverÂsiÂty
- Abstract AlgeÂbra: The Basic GradÂuÂate Year by Robert B. Ash, UniÂverÂsiÂty of IlliÂnois
- Abstract AlgeÂbra: TheÂoÂry and AppliÂcaÂtions by Thomas W. JudÂson, Stephen F. Austin State UniÂverÂsiÂty
- Advanced AlgeÂbra II by KenÂny Felder, Raleigh CharÂter High School
- Advanced CalÂcuÂlus by SternÂberg ShloÂmo and Lynn Loomis, HarÂvard UniÂverÂsiÂty
- AlgeÂbra 1 (Grades 9 & 10) by Andrew and Anne Gloag, High Tech High in San Diego, CalÂiÂforÂnia
- AlgeÂbra and AnalyÂsis for ComÂputÂer SciÂence by Jean GalÂliÂer, UniÂverÂsiÂty of PennÂsylÂvaÂnia.
- Applied ProbÂaÂbilÂiÂty by Paul PfeifÂfer, Rice UniÂverÂsiÂty
- Basic AnalyÂsis by Jiřà Lebl, UniÂverÂsiÂty of IlliÂnois at Urbana-ChamÂpaign
- Basic ConÂcepts of MathÂeÂmatÂics by Elias Zakon, The UniÂverÂsiÂty of WindÂsor
- Basic ProbÂaÂbilÂiÂty TheÂoÂry by Robert B. Ash, UniÂverÂsiÂty of IlliÂnois
- Basic ProbÂaÂbilÂiÂty and StaÂtisÂtics by BrenÂda Meery, high school mathÂeÂmatÂics teacher in Glace Bay, Nova ScoÂtia
- Book of Proof by Dr. Richard HamÂmack, VirÂginia ComÂmonÂwealth UniÂverÂsiÂty
- CalÂcuÂlus for BeginÂners and Artists by MIT
- CalÂcuÂlus Online TextÂbook, by Gilbert Strang, MIT
- CalÂcuÂlus (PDF) by David Guichard, WhitÂman ColÂlege.
- CalÂcuÂlus (PDF) by Gilbert Strang, MIT
- CalÂcuÂlus 1 by Paul Dawkins, Lamar UniÂverÂsiÂty
- CalÂcuÂlus 2 by Paul Dawkins, Lamar UniÂverÂsiÂty
- CalÂcuÂlus 3 by Paul Dawkins, Lamar UniÂverÂsiÂty
- CalÂcuÂlus with AppliÂcaÂtions, by Daniel KleitÂman, MIT
- CK-12 GeomÂeÂtry (Grades 10–12) by mulÂtiÂple authors. CovÂers CalÂiÂforÂnia curÂricuÂlum.
- CK-12 SinÂgle VariÂable CalÂcuÂlus (Grades 11–12) by MulÂtiÂple authors. CovÂers CalÂiÂforÂnia curÂricuÂlum.
- CK-12 TrigonomÂeÂtry — SecÂond EdiÂtion (Grades 10–12) by mulÂtiÂple authors. CovÂers CalÂiÂforÂnia curÂricuÂlum.
- ColÂlabÂoÂraÂtive StaÂtisÂtics by BarÂbara Illowsky, Ph.D and Susan Dean, De Anza ColÂlege
- ColÂlege AlgeÂbra by Paul Dawkins, Lamar UniÂverÂsiÂty
- ComÂplex AnalyÂsis by George Cain, GeorÂgia InstiÂtute of TechÂnolÂoÂgy
- ComÂplex VariÂables by Robert B. Ash, UniÂverÂsiÂty of IlliÂnois
- ComÂpuÂtaÂtionÂal GeomÂeÂtry by Nicholas M. Patrikalakis, Takashi Maekawa, MIT
- A ComÂpuÂtaÂtionÂal IntroÂducÂtion to NumÂber TheÂoÂry and AlgeÂbra by VicÂtor Shoup, NYU
- A Course In AlgeÂbraÂic NumÂber TheÂoÂry by Robert B. Ash, UniÂverÂsiÂty of IlliÂnois
- A Course In ComÂmuÂtaÂtive AlgeÂbra by Robert B. Ash, UniÂverÂsiÂty of IlliÂnois
- Design of ComÂparÂaÂtive ExperÂiÂments by R. A. BaiÂley, UniÂverÂsiÂty of LonÂdon
- DifÂferÂence EquaÂtions to DifÂferÂenÂtial EquaÂtions: An IntroÂducÂtion to CalÂcuÂlus by Dan Sloughter, FurÂman UniÂverÂsiÂty
- DifÂferÂenÂtial EquaÂtions by Paul Dawkins, Lamar UniÂverÂsiÂty
- DisÂcrete MathÂeÂmatÂics: An Open IntroÂducÂtion by Oscar Levin, UniÂverÂsiÂty of NorthÂern ColÂorado
- DynamÂiÂcal SysÂtems by S. SternÂberg, HarÂvard UniÂverÂsiÂty
- ElecÂtronÂic StaÂtisÂtics TextÂbook by T. Hill & P. LewicÂki.
- EleÂmenÂtary Abstract AlgeÂbra by W. Edwin Clark, UniÂverÂsiÂty of SouthÂern FloriÂda
- EleÂmenÂtary CalÂcuÂlus: An InfinÂiÂtesÂiÂmal Approach by H. Jerome Keisler, UniÂverÂsiÂty of WisÂconÂsin-MadiÂson
- EleÂmenÂtary DifÂferÂenÂtial EquaÂtions (PDF) by William F. Trench, TrinÂiÂty UniÂverÂsiÂty
- EleÂmenÂtary DifÂferÂenÂtial EquaÂtions with BoundÂary ValÂue ProbÂlems (PDF) by William F. Trench, TrinÂiÂty UniÂverÂsiÂty
- StuÂdent SoluÂtions ManÂuÂal for EleÂmenÂtary DifÂferÂenÂtial EquaÂtions and EleÂmenÂtary DifÂferÂenÂtial EquaÂtions with BoundÂary ValÂue ProbÂlems (PDF) by William F. Trench, TrinÂiÂty UniÂverÂsiÂty
- EleÂmenÂtary LinÂear AlgeÂbra by KeiÂth Matthews, UniÂverÂsiÂty of QueensÂland
- EleÂmenÂtary NumÂber TheÂoÂry by W. Edwin Clark, UniÂverÂsiÂty of SouthÂern FloriÂda
- EleÂments of Abstract and LinÂear AlgeÂbra by Edwin H. ConÂnell, UniÂverÂsiÂty of MiaÂmi
- First Course in ComÂplex AnalyÂsis by Matthias Beck, GerÂald MarchÂesi, and DenÂnis PixÂton, SUNY — BingÂhamÂton
- First Course in LinÂear AlgeÂbra by Dr. Robert BeezÂer, UniÂverÂsiÂty of Puget Sound
- FuncÂtions Defined by ImpropÂer InteÂgrals (PDF) by William F. Trench, TrinÂiÂty UniÂverÂsiÂty
- GenÂerÂatÂingÂFuncÂtionolÂoÂgy by HerÂbert Wilf, UniÂverÂsiÂty of PennÂsylÂvaÂnia
- IntroÂducÂtion to Matrix AlgeÂbra by Autar K Kaw, UniÂverÂsiÂty of South FloriÂda
- IntroÂducÂtion to ProbÂaÂbilÂiÂty (PDF) by Charles GrinÂstead & J. LauÂrie Snell, SwarthÂmore & DartÂmouth ColÂleges
- IntroÂducÂtion to ProbÂaÂbilÂiÂty, StaÂtisÂtics, and RanÂdom ProcessÂes by HosÂsein Pishro-Nik, UMass Amherst
- IntroÂducÂtion to Real AnalyÂsis (PDF) by William F. Trench, TrinÂiÂty UniÂverÂsiÂty
- IntroÂducÂtion to Social NetÂwork MethÂods by Robert A. HanÂneÂman and Mark RidÂdle, UC RiverÂside
- IntroÂducÂtion to StaÂtisÂtiÂcal Thought by Michael Lavine, UMASS
- IntroÂducÂtoÂry StaÂtisÂtics: ConÂcepts, ModÂels, and AppliÂcaÂtions by David W. StockÂburgÂer, MisÂsouri State
- IntroÂducÂtion to the TheÂoÂry of NumÂbers by Leo Moser, McGill
- LecÂtures on ProbÂaÂbilÂiÂty, StaÂtisÂtics and EconoÂmetÂrics by MarÂco TaboÂga, EconÂoÂmist, Bank of Italy
- LecÂtures on StaÂtisÂtics by Robert B. Ash, UniÂverÂsiÂty of IlliÂnois
- LinÂear AlgeÂbra (PDF) by Jim HefÂferÂon, Saint Michael’s ColÂlege
- LinÂear AlgeÂbra by Paul Dawkins, Lamar UniÂverÂsiÂty
- Math Alive by Ingrid Daubechies, PrinceÂton UniÂverÂsiÂty
- Math in SociÂety by David LipÂmann, Pierce ColÂlege
- Math, NumerÂics, and ProÂgramÂming (for MechanÂiÂcal EngiÂneers) by MasayuÂki Yano, MIT
- MathÂeÂmatÂiÂcal MethÂods of EngiÂneerÂing AnalyÂsis (PDF) by Erhan ÇinÂlar and Robert J. VanÂderÂbei, PrinceÂton UniÂverÂsiÂty
- MulÂtiÂvariÂable CalÂcuÂlus by George Cain & James Herod, GeorÂgia Tech
- Proofs and ConÂcepts: The FunÂdaÂmenÂtals of Abstract MathÂeÂmatÂics by Dave Witte MorÂris and Joy MorÂris, UniÂverÂsiÂty of LethÂbridge
- Real VariÂables with Basic MetÂric Space TopolÂoÂgy by Robert B. Ash, UniÂverÂsiÂty of IlliÂnois
- StaÂtisÂtics by Philip B. Stark, UniÂverÂsiÂty of CalÂiÂforÂnia — UC BerkeÂley
- A SumÂmaÂry of CalÂcuÂlus by Karl Heinz DoverÂmann, UniÂverÂsiÂty of Hawaii
- The Book “A=B” by Marko Petkovsek, HerÂbert Wilf and Doron ZeilÂbergÂer, Univ. of PennÂsylÂvaÂnia and RutÂgers
- The Method of Lagrange MulÂtiÂpliÂers (PDF) by William Trench, TrinÂiÂty UniÂverÂsiÂty
- The CalÂcuÂlus of FuncÂtions of SevÂerÂal VariÂables by Dan Sloughter, FurÂman UniÂverÂsiÂty
- Yet AnothÂer CalÂcuÂlus Text by Dan Sloughter, FurÂman UniÂverÂsiÂty
- Beyond SlonimÂsky: MelodÂic PatÂterns for GuiÂtar — by Rich Cochrane (Find alterÂnate verÂsion here)
- Music FunÂdaÂmenÂtals 1: Pitch and Major Scales and Keys — by TerÂry B. Ewell, TowÂson UniÂverÂsiÂty
- Music FunÂdaÂmenÂtals 3: Minor Scales and Keys — by TerÂry B. Ewell, TowÂson UniÂverÂsiÂty
- Music FunÂdaÂmenÂtals 5: TriÂads, Chords, IntroÂducÂtion to Roman NumerÂals by TerÂry B. Ewell, TowÂson UniÂverÂsiÂty
- Scale and ArpegÂgio Resources: A GuiÂtar EncyÂcloÂpeÂdia by Rich Cochrane (Find alterÂnate verÂsion here)
- Sound ReaÂsonÂing (IntroÂducÂtoÂry Music course) by AnthoÂny Brandt, Rice UniÂverÂsiÂty
- UnderÂstandÂing Basic Music TheÂoÂry, EditÂed by CatherÂine Schmidt-Jones
- AniÂmals and Ethics 101: ThinkÂing CritÂiÂcalÂly About AniÂmal Rights by Nathan Nobis, MoreÂhouse ColÂlege
- A ModÂern ForÂmal LogÂic Primer by Paul Teller, UC Davis
- ArguÂments: DeducÂtive LogÂic ExerÂcisÂes, by H. PospeÂsel and D. Marans, UC Davis
- forall x: An IntroÂducÂtion to ForÂmal LogÂic by PD MagÂnus, UniÂverÂsiÂty at Albany, State UniÂverÂsiÂty of New York
- foralÂlx: CamÂbridge by P.D. MagÂnus; modÂiÂfied for CamÂbridge by Tim ButÂton
- MetatheÂoÂry for truth-funcÂtionÂal logÂic by Tim ButÂton, CamÂbridge UniÂverÂsiÂty
- Age of EinÂstein, by Frank W. K. Firk, Yale UniÂverÂsiÂty.
- CalÂcuÂlus-Based Physics by JefÂfrey W. Schnick, Saint Anselm ColÂlege
- ColÂlege Physics (introÂducÂtoÂry, algeÂbra-based, two-semesÂter colÂlege physics book) by OpenÂStax
- ConÂcepÂtuÂal Physics by BenÂjamin CrowÂell, FullerÂton ColÂlege
- ConÂserÂvaÂtion Laws by BenÂjamin CrowÂell, FullerÂton ColÂlege
- EssenÂtial Physics 1, Frank W.K. Firk, Yale UniÂverÂsiÂty
- Fields by WarÂren Siegel, SUNY
- GenÂerÂal RelÂaÂtivÂiÂty by BenÂjamin CrowÂell, FullerÂton ColÂlege
- IntroÂducÂtion to Groups, InvariÂants & ParÂtiÂcles, by Frank W. K. Firk, Yale UniÂverÂsiÂty
- IntroÂducÂtion to StaÂtÂics and DynamÂics by Andy Ruina and Rudra PratÂap, CorÂnell UniÂverÂsiÂty
- IntroÂducÂtion to String Field TheÂoÂry by WarÂren Siegel, SUNY
- MounÂtain Motion by Dr. Christoph Schiller PhD, trained at UniÂverÂsitĂ© Libre de BruxÂelles
- Optics by BenÂjamin CrowÂell, FullerÂton ColÂlege
- ProÂgramÂming LanÂguages: AppliÂcaÂtion and InterÂpreÂtaÂtion by Dr. ShriÂram KrishÂnaÂmurthi, Brown UniÂverÂsiÂty
- SimÂple Nature: An IntroÂducÂtion to Physics for EngiÂneerÂing and PhysÂiÂcal SciÂence StuÂdents by Ben CrowÂell, FullerÂton ColÂlege
- SuperÂspace: One ThouÂsand and One Lessons in SuperÂsymÂmeÂtry by WarÂren Siegel. Jim Gates, Marc GrisÂaru, and MarÂtin Rocek, SUNY, McGill, UniÂverÂsiÂty of MaryÂland
- The FeynÂman LecÂtures on Physics by Richard FeynÂman, Robert B. Leighton and Matthew Sands
- The Light and MatÂter Series (Six texts) by BenÂjamin CrowÂell, FullerÂton ColÂlege
- VibraÂtions and Waves by BenÂjamin CrowÂell, FullerÂton ColÂlege
- The ModÂern RevÂoÂluÂtion in Physics by BenÂjamin CrowÂell, FullerÂton ColÂlege
- The PeoÂple’s Physics Book by James H. Dann, UC SanÂta Cruz
- 21st CenÂtuÂry Physics FlexÂbook: A ComÂpiÂlaÂtion of ConÂtemÂpoÂrary and EmergÂing TechÂnoloÂgies, by the SecÂreÂtaries of EduÂcaÂtion and TechÂnolÂoÂgy and the DepartÂment of EduÂcaÂtion in the state of VirÂginia
- EduÂcaÂtionÂal PsyÂcholÂoÂgy by Kevin Seifert and RoseÂmary SutÂton, UniÂverÂsiÂty of ManÂiÂtoÂba and CleveÂland State
- AmerÂiÂcan SociÂety: How It ActuÂalÂly Works by By Erik Olin Wright & Joel Rogers, UniÂverÂsiÂty of WisÂconÂsin
- IntroÂducÂtion to SociÂolÂoÂgy by mulÂtiÂple proÂfesÂsors
SysÂtem TheÂoÂry
- IntroÂducÂtion to the ModÂelÂing and AnalyÂsis of ComÂplex SysÂtems by HiroÂki SayaÂma, BingÂhamÂton UniÂverÂsiÂty, State UniÂverÂsiÂty of New York.
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